Friday, July 17, 2009

The First Post

I am starting the blog for a multitude of reasons. For one, I usually end each day with many thoughts racing through my mind about various things that stuck out during the course of the day. I hope to use this as a vessel to not only trap those thoughts, but to also share them with you. I also wanted to use this in the hope of accelerating my skills in the writing department. I know right out of the gate I am not the best writer. I only hope that this will soon captivate you and keep you coming back.

So why don't get the ball rolling, shall we?

In the News:

The space shuttle Endeavor attached itself to the International Space Station today, successfully allowing the largest amount of people, 13, to be living in space at one time. There is so much going on in the world today people seem to forget about space. People live up there for long periods of time, like hamsters in one of those tube cities. This comes at an interesting time too; it is the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing. I guess outer space is having the best week ever.


Robert Glennon was featured on The Daily Show last night promoting his book "Unquenchable: American's Water Crisis and What We Can Do About It". The book explains, basically, that we are running out of water. Fast. Think about it, people use water all the time, but like most resources, it is finite.

Completely Unrelated:

I had my 100th tweet today. I dedicated it to @tjkelly in the hopes that I will someday have as many as him.

Thanks for reading.

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