Saturday, July 25, 2009

Oh Dorothy, where art thou wisdom teeth?

Hello world. So there has not been any recent blogging activity on my part mostly due to the fact I just got my wisdom teeth removed. As you can imagine it was not very fun. The night before the tooth catastrophe included a couple rousing games of Scrabble. The first round was individuals followed by teams. Very intense. Of course as you already know the next day was the teeth calamity. I don't recall most of it however because of the anesthetics I was under. The days to follow up until mostly included eating fake food (burger king shakes) for sustenance popping Vicodin to ease the pain.

To be honest I have not really been paying attention to the outside world because of my internal debacle. But, dear reader, I would not be writing if I did not have something interesting to produce to you. So instead of diving deep into my inner journalist and reporting about things that have stuck out in the world, I dive deep into my inner musician to report on something else that stuck out to me today, a new song.

Because I wrote it tonight, I do not have it recorded yet. That will come soon and rest assured it will be posted here once completed. I do have it written out though and as a special treat to anyone that reads this, you will see it first before anyone else. In the world. Ever.

So without further ado, I present it to you:

Surrender Dorothy
A long time ago when things seemed just right
I opened the door, stepped in to the light
The Beauty that awaited brought me to my knees
For once I saw the sun, felt the cool breeze

I walked along the hillside, crossed over the stream
This day was going perfect, almost like a dream
The she walked up to me, I asked her for her hand
She just smiled and she turned, and left across the sand.

And I say...

Oh Dorothy!
Give in to thee!
Your wish is my command
So come along and walk with me.

A few years gone by, I see her now and then
I want to write to her, but I can't pick up the pen
One day I got the courage, I walked right up to her
Feeling so excited, I burst and and confer:

Oh Dorothy!
Be with me please!
My heart beats fast every time we meet
So come along and walk with me!
So come along and walk with me!


And now we've been together, been about a year
To me I'm oh so happy, got nothing to fear
She dances in the moonlight, while I sing her song
The words are pretty simple, try to sing along!

Chorus + Outro:

My Dorothy!
You make me happy!
I surrendered myself to you and you set me free
So come along and walk with me.
So come along and walk with me.
So come along and walk with me. (Am)
So come along and walk with me!

Any thoughts please comment I enjoy good criticism and as always thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Hanuman To The Rescue"

Today was a really nice day. You know the kind. Where the weather is perfect and you are able to spend a good portion of it with good friends, plan-less. That, plus reading a great book and a few hours of late night work, makes the day a successful one. I don't think you necessarily have to accomplish much to make a day successful.

Anyway, I was able to go to Port Jefferson, after some lunch, with a couple good friends. Port Jefferson in case you are not aware, is a touristy town on the north shore of Long Island. Similar to that of a town in Cape Cod if you're from New England, and Sebastopol if you're from the west coast. The nice weather and good company would put any melancholy sad-sap in a chipper mood.

Besides the aforementioned statements, a couple other things stick out in my head, hence the main reason for writing in the first place. One being Indian cartoons.


I read a really interesting article in the New York Times ( regarding Indian media and the recently reoccurring trend of popular comics being turned into cartoons. So what? Right? These are not your typical X-Men and Superman comics, but instead Hanuman and Sushena. These "heroes" demonstrate good morals and teach, while being depicted in an exciting and fun way to children. This weekend I was fortunate enough to hangout with a friend's 4-year-old twin daughters. Instead of "Blues Clues" or whatever else is shown to kids to "educate" them, they enjoy the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and Taylor Swift. I don't know about you, but this stuck out as being a little odd, and a little unfortunate. Maybe India is doing something right?

Internet (un-related):

While at work tonight, fixing and formating a highly infected and virus-ridden machine, I was accompanied by a new, and much needed, friend; If you are not used to this wonderful music and social-network hybrid, you need to. Tonight alone I was introduced to two new artists. So it is possible to listen to music that isn't yours, in a legal way.

Also, I've slowly been learning which tweeps (people on twitter) are detrimental to its purpose and which I should keep or look to follow. Over these past few weeks it has become very clear that Twitter, and people-spread media in general, is becoming a force to reckoned with. If you aren't getting on, get out of the way!

As always, thanks for reading!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The First Post

I am starting the blog for a multitude of reasons. For one, I usually end each day with many thoughts racing through my mind about various things that stuck out during the course of the day. I hope to use this as a vessel to not only trap those thoughts, but to also share them with you. I also wanted to use this in the hope of accelerating my skills in the writing department. I know right out of the gate I am not the best writer. I only hope that this will soon captivate you and keep you coming back.

So why don't get the ball rolling, shall we?

In the News:

The space shuttle Endeavor attached itself to the International Space Station today, successfully allowing the largest amount of people, 13, to be living in space at one time. There is so much going on in the world today people seem to forget about space. People live up there for long periods of time, like hamsters in one of those tube cities. This comes at an interesting time too; it is the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing. I guess outer space is having the best week ever.


Robert Glennon was featured on The Daily Show last night promoting his book "Unquenchable: American's Water Crisis and What We Can Do About It". The book explains, basically, that we are running out of water. Fast. Think about it, people use water all the time, but like most resources, it is finite.

Completely Unrelated:

I had my 100th tweet today. I dedicated it to @tjkelly in the hopes that I will someday have as many as him.

Thanks for reading.