Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rihanna VS September

OK, so here is the latest mash up track. Once again, its a rough edit and will be cleaned up but I just wanted to put this stuff on the web. Enjoy.

Also, I know these tracks are distracting from the original point of this blog but who cares, right?

Rihanna vs September Download (right click "save link as")

3am Mash-Up release

Paulie in the U.S.A. Download (right click "Save Link As")

Dearest Readers, tonight I present you with a gift. The latest of my fresh to death mash ups. Its in its first stage and I will probably finish it tomorrow, but you can get a feel for it. I plan on creating a free web album with all original mash ups which will be featured here on this blog. Keep checking back regularly to get it.

p.s. The ending is rough I still have to edit it. Any criticism appreciated.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Music and fun...all for a good cause!

One week from today Pi Kappa Phi is hosting it's first annual A Capella Invitational for Push America in support for people with disabilities. Its going to be a lot of fun and you, my dear readers, should go. Bring your friends and / or family. Everyone loves a capella! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or the email on the advertisement above. Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Its not the swine...

You wake up in the morning and you notice something seems...different. For one, everything hurts. "Uh oh", you say to yourself. After closer examination, you realize you have ALL of the main symptoms of the flu. You call the campus doctor, and they tell you not to go to them unless it gets so bad you don't have any other option. There is no way you are going to class.

Sounds like something out of a Stephen King novel right? Wrong. That was my week last week. The flu. Was it of the swine kind? I don't know, but I kept telling myself it wasn't. In fact, I'm still sick. I have only been to class to take exams, mostly midterms. Woof. "What about Halloween", you ask me, "surely you partied like it was nineteen-ninety-nine, right?" Wrong. The flu waits for no holiday.

However, dear readers, it hasn't been all gloom and glum. Its World Series time. Sure, its not Stanley Cup playoffs, but the Yankees are in it. And of all of things to stick it lately, that is a great one.

So lets get to it. Unless you've been living under a rock I'm sure you heard of the infamous Falcon who never took flight; the story of Colorado's Balloon Boy. So I'm not going to get into it.

One thing I want to mention however is Google Wave. It's genius. If you haven't heard of it, do yourself a favor and read about it over at mashable: . This is, as far as I know, the best (easiest) guide to understanding Wave. It is going to make sharing and spreading information much easier and allows a new kind of real-time communication that combines instant messenger and email. Beautiful.

Another point I'd like to bring up is the latest scare the media is slowly leaking. E. Coli pt.2. The NY Times released an article today about the death of 2 people due to the consumption of bad beef with E. Coli. ( Something tells me this is going to be the next swine flu. The big media are always looking for new ways to scare people.

In other news, If you are in or anywhere near the 5-college area, November 15th is Pi Kappa Phi's 1st Annual A Capella Invitational to raise money for Push America. 7 groups from in and out of the 5 colleges will be performing from 3:00 to 5:00 in the Campus Center Auditorium on the UMass Amherst campus. All tickets provided by Tix Unlimited and can be bought ahead of time through them or at the door. $5 for students with college ID, $7 for everyone else. All proceeds go to support people with disabilities. Bring your friends and family!

Conclusion. Yankees will win their 27th championship. Google is taking over the internet. Don't be afraid of beef. Goodnight.